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2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: Good! Good way to think!!! =D That whole living in a dorm thing has never made sense to me...I's creepy...just go buy a house and share it with a whole bunch of rent-paying friends o-o

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: well, where I'm living is going to be something like an apartment thing.. 4 bedrooms, 4 toilets, two showers to share between two people each. So it's not really a dorm. But it is, technically; there's an RA. But since it's not on the campus grounds, there are different rules.. like we can have candles, "weapons" and alcohol. Yay. :)

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: Ahh, I know what you're talking about ^^ Dorms are creepy with their's like you're in a halfway house o-o But yeah. That's actually pretty cool. I collect swords and the whole no weapon thing freaked me out...and the candle thing...I like candles o-o Yay! Partys! XD uhh....sorry if this message appears more than computer kind of stupid.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: it was probably the same as mine.. that damned error message. Anyway, yeah.. I dont like the two beds to a room... I just bought some samurai swords, and I want to keep them with me in the room. They're beautiful.. I wouldnt use them, but I love them and I like to swing them around, heh. And the candles; I have an alter that i meditate at; I need the candles to concentrate with. Yeah.. I just hate the whole rules thing.. I have enough rules living at home.. I'll be living ALONE at college.. why the hell do I need to give up on all the stuff that I enjoy?

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: Exactly =/ they have some of the most annoying rules for dorms...grargh. I know alot of my friends were pissed by the no sex thing XD There was this one rule that was I think was something cooking after 9 P.M. which freaked me out. Because I used to have a work schedule where I didn't get off until ten =/ That's neat that you meditate =3 I've always found that fascinating. I have a way of calming down or focusing that my own version of meditation. But it's not as...I dunno...awesome as the real thing? Ooh! Samurai swords!!! Sooo pretty! =D

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I have class until 9 pm, there's no way I'm going to not cook after 9... there's also no curfew at the University Place. But there is a ridiculous visitor rule, where all three of the other roommates have to agree to let someone have a guest. Fuck that.. i'm going to have my guest over whether they like it or not. If they end up being homophobics, they will get a few words from me. *chuckles coldly*

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah, the cooking after nine thing ticked me off. I'd come home pissed off, and cook whether they liked it or not o-o Hmm...what do they mean by guest eh? x.x I hate homophobes...they're really...just...they have no soul I swear o-o It's kinda like when you ask someone why they hate Bush...and all they can come up with is "He said Internets" x.x

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: oh, I have much more reasons to hate Bush, but that's another topic. Well, we have no curfew in the apt./dorm thing, so all I have to do is not disturb my roommates. As for the homophobia thing, if they're typical fratboy college boys, then... yah, I'll have to have a talk with them.. As you know, I am certainly NOT normal. =3

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah, there are lot's of reasons to hate Bush I agree...just...the reason I listed is pathetic x.x But anyways, let's avoid politics x.x I will feel very sorry for you if they are the typical fratboys. I can't stand them. They're SOOO stupid. I had three of them follow me around for a few stalkers they were...and eventually I convinced them to go away...but that involved them watching me walk out of the "Gay and Straight Alliance" club as I frolick into the arms of another woman XD Wow...that was so much fun. Something tells me the not disturbing will either be no problem, or a huge problem...depending on how much you dislike them...or how much stupid stuff they say. Silly Boys,

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: they won't realize what hit them...but they'll feel either scared...or...not in the wanting to question you again .-.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: Chances are, they wont have a problem with me enjoying male company. I kinda hope they're all like me, anarchist atheist fags who want to burn Bush at the stake.. but, living where I do, I'd be lucky to have at least one of those types.. Oh well, as long as I can meet that type of person ON CAMPUS, I'll be alright...

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: I wish you the best of luck with that! You should live up where I live...there's plenty of people like that around here. Now I live in a share house with five other people. We all pay for bills like one would an apt. And...every three months we get one or two new house mates, and...they all seem to be what you're looking for. I love the rules at the house though, we have them on a dry erase board o-o 1. Don't talk about the Share-House 2. You can have sex...just...warn us... 3. Clean up after yourself 4. If you don't pay...we'll kill you.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: so a share house is like.. a big community building? Sounds like somewhere I'd like to live... just being alone, but surrounded by like-minds that love me. :)

2005-07-25 [Grey Eyes]: ^^ It get's fun...I'm one of the three "originals" at this I always get to give tutorials of the house the the newcomers...which is always amusing. Yeah, it's great. We have our own little holidays...recently we had "Gay Poetry Night" o-o which...really made no sense. Sometimes we have movie nights and such. And if you want to be left's no problem. But we're usually all pretty close and in eachothers space o-o You'd probably like it. We each have a baseball bat with our name written above it in the defend ourselves with o-o

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: well, if I ever decide to move to where you are, then I'll be sure to look it up ^^

2005-07-25 [Little Black RainCloud]: Chim...Chimeny...Chim...Chim...Cheru...

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I do what I like and I like what I do... =3

2005-07-25 [Little Black RainCloud]: -Hugs-

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: ^^ I'm bored.. I wouldnt mind some alcohol... just a nice chilled vodka in a sugar-rimmed glass.. something to take the edge off. oO

2005-07-25 [Little Black RainCloud]: If you're bored.... what edge do you have? o<

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: the normal little edge.. nervous about what I'm going to do in life, how people look at me, why they look at me in certain ways.. blah blah blah... I was at home not 10 minutes ago... I should have chugged some of that vodka.

2005-07-25 [girl. interrupted.]: *Sigh*...I'm not exactly old enough to buy swords. Or go to college. No, I am just a small little girl going into grade 9 who happens to have a love for writing novels. I can't wait to go to college though. Going to the U of Montreal or McGill. How about you guys?

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I'm off to Coastal Carolina university to study.. something for the next two years, and I'm moving in a short 3 weeks... thank God... I need to get out of here.

2005-07-25 [girl. interrupted.]: what's so bad about where you are now?

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: aside from being small-minded-biased, homophobic, not to mention I'm pretty much the epitome of everything that is "wrong" in that society? Oh, everyone pretty much knows everyone, and nothing stays open past 10 pm, and ... well, I could go on, but I'm not going to bore you with all that... that's pretty much a taste.

2005-07-25 [Keii]: I'm away to Newcastle College to study Photography... have no idea when I'm moving. My landlady has taken my deposit, but hasn't contacted me. >.< The only thing that stays open past 10 here is the pubs... and you have to be in one by 11.30 before lock-in, otherwise your stuck. >.<

2005-07-25 [girl. interrupted.]: Wow, that totally sucks (to both comments). Pretty much everything in this town is an all-nighter. Sadly, I come from a left-wing family living in an entirely right-wing community. Did you know they have more churches per capita than any other town in Alberta??? It's enough to make someone insane...O~o

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: Being [girl. interrupted.]'s sister, I live in the same town--and it is incredibly right-wing. Plus homophobic. There's also the fact that no one can come up with an excuse of why they homosexuals other than 'it's icky', 'it's wrong' or 'Read the bible. God says it's wrong'. It's retarded, the way people act.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: couldnt be worse than here.. we have at least one church on each street, all saying different things. If they werent such extreme pacifists, they would probably have gun fights everynight over beliefs. Homosexuality is unheard of here. Basically every one of my ideals would have to be shit upon before they would look good enough for anyone to hear. Yeah, I'm out of place, here.

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: There are gay people here, and bisexuals--in fact, now that I think about it the people who openly criticize homosexuals are few and far between....

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: sure there are gay people here, but it's not something talked about.

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: It is here... alot. But that's not to say everyone accepts them...obviously. People suck.

2005-07-25 [girl. interrupted.]: Yep. I'd have to say yes. Our town is fundamentalist Christian central. We have a religious camp here, ENR. I myself went there last year. They lured you in with all these wonderful fun camp things to do which none of the other camps have because they aren't funded by the CHURCH, then they drill all the bible bullshit into your head. Most kids come back over and over and get more and more brainwashed. They had a three hour 'chapel' and they all went like this:

2005-07-25 [girl. interrupted.]: First they had the Christian rock music. Then they sat you down and preached for a couple of hours. enough to mke anyone crazy. Then they began to play stirring music and asked everyone to come up and be 're-accepted' by Jesus. Also, they had this twisted quota to make like, one prson cry every night. What they were crying about is beyond me. *rolls eyes*. Plus our stupid preacher guy said it was WOMEN's fault that they were raped because we wore 'provocative clothing' and 'lit fires inside men that couldn't be put out.' So in other words, they apparently had no control over their actions and were completely blameless when they raped someone. Goddamn Christians.

2005-07-25 [AbLam]: goddamn reverand darcy, you mean.

2005-07-25 [girl. interrupted.]: Haha.

2005-07-25 [Lost in Illusions]: well, our town talks about it, too. I came out about liking boys.... almost 5 years ago. People are still talking about it. Like I'm the only fag that has ever come out in this town. I thought it would blow over in a few months; they talked about me more than the numerous pregnant girls there.. why?? I mean... yeah.

2005-07-26 [AbLam]: Wow...I mean move on. it was five freaking years ago! Get over it! (them). It's not major, like nobody talks about it when somebody 'comes out of the closet', if you will, here--everyone is just incredibly religious...

2005-07-26 [Lost in Illusions]: I was once Mr. Pride... the whole rainbow flag waving, getting insulted at the word "fag" etc. Now I couldnt care less. I like boys.. yay, that's it. in fact, I'm becoming anti-pride.. I'm getting more and more annoyed at these fags waving their big rainbow flags screaming how gay they are and that we better get used to it!!!!!! o.<

2005-07-26 [AbLam]: Yeah, I mean it's not like you and I are any different besides having a different sexuality. I mean, it's one thing to get mad at being called fag but it is entirely another thing to run around screaming 'I'm GAY! I'M GAY!' You know?...Heh Heh...luove your house.

2005-07-26 [Lost in Illusions]: ^^ Thanks. Yeah.. it's nothing but quotes all over the place.

2005-07-26 [AbLam]: looks really cool though. Plus I like the links that you put here and there.

2005-07-26 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah.. I need to work on those things some.

2005-07-26 [AbLam]: Yeah...well, I gotta go. 'Night.

2005-07-26 [Little Black RainCloud]: ...The crow caws at midnight...

2005-07-26 [Lost in Illusions]: ...The boy wakes up at noon-ish...

2005-07-28 [AbLam]: YAYYY! I'm in New Brunswick! YAHhOOO1 So frickin fun!

2005-07-29 [.that is when the world will end.]: Goooooooood! Yu peopel tlk bout nuffin but shit ALL DA FRIGIN TIME!!!! Learn oto ge a life looosers. I have gurls althe time msging me tellin me im hot!

2005-07-29 [calamaethor]: If there is really so many girls telling u that, it wouldnt be something special for u. And u wouldnt come here and try to act cool with it. unless ure a liar? i would bet a million that u r. So plz keep ure mouth shut cuz i am willing to diss u every time u try to brag with imaginary girls.

2005-07-29 [Lost in Illusions]: Everyone who uses "u" "r" or other shorthand to converse with people, PLEASE shut up. As for the people who absolutely refuse to type in a correct manner, please take a lesson in spelling. Finally, if you have nothing productive to say, Shut.Up. Your opinions are worth less than shit to me if you either refuse to spell correctly, use 'u' 'r' etc. in everything you say, and have nothing better to do than to insult people. So, thank you for listening, leave, and have a nice day. =)

2005-07-29 [calamaethor]: Excuse me Mr. Knows-all, I am sure that I am much better in spelling than you are. I do not find it necessary to use you instead of u, while I am on the internet. Maybe you got tons of time to waste here, but I don't. And you must be very very idiotic not to see that I just stood up for all you people. That guy just insulted all of you. So you just keep your mouth shut!

2005-07-29 [Spanakopida]: We don't need you to defend us. And when you type like that, it makes you sound like an idiot. Nobody will take you seriously. I like to be taken seriously, thanks.

2005-07-29 [AbLam]: You guys....she was sticking up for us...You didn't have to be so bitchy. You know, since she was bashing the 'sk8er boi'.

2005-07-29 [Spanakopida]: So?

2005-07-29 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont like reading "u" and "r" as words, and people that use that type of shorthand seem to be (and usually are) not competent enough for me to converse with. Finally, I can take up for myself; I dont need someone trying to help when they actually arent doing a very good job.

2005-07-29 [AbLam]: So...she wasn't being a bitch to you, so why are you being a bitch to her? I mean, I don't know about yours, but in my society it is socially acceptable to be pleasant to people who aren't bitching at you.

2005-07-29 [Spanakopida]: She was after narcissist yelled at her.

2005-07-29 [Lost in Illusions]: I wasnt being a bitch to her. I simply asked them both to type in a coherent manner as to make our conversations a bit more pleasant.

2005-07-29 [AbLam]: Ahh. I see. That's why you told her to PLEASE shut up oh yeah, also that her opinions are worth less than shit to you. That seems quite bitchy to me, actually.

2005-07-29 [Lost in Illusions]: " Finally, if you have nothing productive to say, Shut.Up. Your opinions are worth less than shit to me if you either refuse to spell correctly, use 'u' 'r' etc. in everything you say, and have nothing better to do than to insult people." That was not directed directly at her. It was just a general description of my intolerance towards incomptetence in lack of conversational skills. Excuse me if that is offensive or "bitchy," but that is me.

2005-07-29 [AbLam]: What are you talking about? It was aimed at her. I mean, sure you were making a 'general description of your intolerence towards incompetence of lack in conversational skills', but it was still aimed at [calamaethor]. Whatever. I guess that's just you, right?

2005-07-29 [Lost in Illusions]: Yes, that is just "me" Offended? Oh well. I suppose you ahve a right to be, but I'm not apologizing for my words/actions. It may or may not have been aimed at [calamaethor] but it's not her place to defend me, nor is it his (or her) place to insult anyone.

2005-07-29 [AbLam]: Firstly, you take yourself way too seriously. Secondly, why would I be offended? Nothing you said affected me since I don't type in 'netspeak'. Good God, I mean were you beaten as a young child or something?

2005-07-29 [Lost in Illusions]: You attacked me, first, darling; claiming that I'm being "bitchy" because I was simply annoyed with the netspeak and juvenile insults. I say, do, and act how I wish, and I dont apologize. So, that's me.

2005-07-30 [calamaethor]: oh god! I am really shocked! The world is coming to an end! You will have people running around yelling at the persons who tries to help them instead of the persons who attack em! "Leave me alone asshole! I would rather be attacked than to be helped by you!"  Now that is just the most idiotic thing I have ever seen anyone be like. The way I see it. I have recieved more bullshit from you than the guy who insulted you in the first place. Owh wait. Let me correct it. That guy didnt even get ANY bullshit from you.  I dont mind you being yourself. But also let me be the way i like it. And trust me, people like the way I am more than the way you are.  You=asshole  Me=nice guy     

2005-07-30 [calamaethor]: By the way I am not a she : )  And, yes I can use proper english if i want to do so. 

2005-07-30 [prima rosa]: killingmesoftly is right you know. if SHE has defended us against our beloved sk8r boy, and used u and r, it may have irritated you but you wouldnt have said anything, especially not anything so rude! he wasnt defending you, he was defending the wiki. something you do on a regular basis. dont be so proud, and admit you were in the wrong. i dont think ive EVER seen you do that. once.

2005-07-30 [calamaethor]: Narcissist with an Inferiority Complex>> In some way, "I told you so" just isn't enough. And yes, I did not stand up only for you, but for the entire wiki.

2005-07-30 [Spanakopida]: Sorry for the gender confusion. I was too bothered to go check.

2005-07-30 [calamaethor]: That doesn't excuse your asshole behaviour.

2005-07-30 [AbLam]: Hmm. Well, I can't think of anything to say except anything that runs along the lines of I told ya so, Narcissist--so here goes. TOLD YOU SO! Heh Heh. ahh. Simple pleasures.

2005-07-30 [calamaethor]: KillingMeSoftly you are a sweetheart :) *kiss*

2005-07-30 [Spanakopida]: I apologise if it seemed like I was attacking you, calamaentor. I was trying to explain to you why narcissist attacked you, which was pretty unessesary in the first place. Thank you for defending us and I am sorry I was quick to judge.

2005-07-30 [calamaethor]: No need to say that :) I just like this wiki alot so it pissed me off when that guy said those things. I sure hope we can forget about all this. And lets all be friends shall we? :)  *kiss*

2005-07-31 [AbLam]: ??Have you been on here before?

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: not really :p

2005-07-31 [Lost in Illusions]: Listen to me and listen well, otherwise you will face more shit than this that I have to offer. I was not attacking anyone in particular, aside from that skater cunt. Second, I did not attack Mr. [calamaethor] for defending the wiki, simply stated my dislike for those who "netspeak." I did not once mention his name, therefore he has no merit to outright say that I was any way towards him. I simply can not understand why anyone can understand such a masticated piece of rubbish as the conversations carried on by "ure ..." etc. Personally, I find it completely juvenile not to even try to converse in a way that everyone can at least understand what you're saying. I'm not saying you>

2005-07-31 [Lost in Illusions]: have to use 20$ words in every sentence that you say, but at least make an effort to type out certain words so that it is comprehendable to everyone. Finally, Ms. [AbLam], if you have nothing better to say than "told you so" then you can just fuck off from me. I have no use for people who can not at least attempt to understand the way that my mind works. I have done nothing but try to be understanding to others. And now I'm tired of it. Because it has gotten me nowhere but to the point where I can at least listen ot others' views, but they assume that it means they can step all over my opinions. So, Please at least listen to whatever I have to say whether or not you>>

2005-07-31 [Lost in Illusions]: like what i have to say, since I listen to everything that everyone else has to say. Hell, I abhor religion, but I've at least researched every religion I could find to realize that I do, in fact, abhor those religions. If you are that offended or mocking of my opinion because you think you are that "holier-than-thou," then I suggest you step off of your self-proclaimed pedistol and look around you before someone much stronger comes and knocks you off on your proverbial ass. Thank you, that is all; unless you would like to start more, in which case this is just the beginning.

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: "Everyone who uses "u" "r" or other shorthand to converse with people, PLEASE shut up." Thats definatly talking to me since I was the one using u and r.

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: "Finally, if you have nothing productive to say, Shut.Up. Your opinions are worth less than shit to me if you either refuse to spell correctly, use 'u' 'r' etc. in everything you say, and have nothing better to do than to insult people." I would most definatly say you are talking about me. Because as i said, I was the one using u and r. However i did not insult anyone else but sk8rboi. Yet you seem to defend the person who insulted you in the first place. Which I reckon is quiet stupid. 

2005-07-31 [girl. interrupted.]: GOD people! All of you! Get a life, please. You all take yourselves so seriously.

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Please! Shut up! You aren't making things any better!

2005-07-31 [AbLam]: Okay, there is so much wrong with what you said, Narcissist. If anyone is holier than thou, it's you. You act like no one understands you, and your mind is socomplex. And you were obviously pointing the finger at calamaethor, obviously. You, Narcissist, do not try to accept people or 'understand people, in fact you don't accept anyone but yourself. Lastly, you were the one who 'started something' by freaking out at calamaethor for using 'u' and 'r'. Stop playing the victim. It doesn't suit you.Sincerely, someone who really couldn't care less how the fuck your mind works.

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Such a sweet girl =) *hug*

2005-07-31 [girl. interrupted.]: Ok. Narcissist was a little out of line. And he was being a jerk. But if you want to snap at me for taking a side, [calamaethor], then you can go fuck yourself.

2005-07-31 [prima rosa]: it wasnt even like smoky was taking a side, she was just telling everyone to stop arguing. but narcissist was more then a little out of line. a three message box rant was not needed for a reply afterwards. long impressive 'well typed' words mean nothing really. the only reason why i dont use net speak is because i type so fast. but i guess it also explains why narcissist is so hostile to people; because he dislikes people for things as little as typing. and remember narcissist, you do not OWN this wiki, so stop acting like you own it, and the whole god damn world!

2005-07-31 [AbLam]: Well said. Anyways, i think that would be a little hard for our friend narcissist, seeing as he already seems conviced that not only does he own this wiki, but he is also so different than anyone else in the entire planet.

2005-07-31 [prima rosa]: yeah. its like, woah, you so much more important then me, aren't you? i see nothing special about him. and i dont see him USEful to elftown.

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Sweet Smokey... you did not take either of our sides. You just rushed in and involved yourself into all this. Im really not the one who started the argument. He did! He just dislikes the fact that I type fast.

2005-07-31 [Goldice]: can i ask you one question? dont you think that this has gone on for long enough? you've all fought your corners and too be honest its getting boring coming here and just reading arguements. people just use to have nice chats. it doesn't matter how fast you type or who took whose side or even if someone was a little harsh, everyone has their own opinions. can you lot just drop it and get back to nice conversations

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Not before narcissist apologizes to [AbLam].

2005-07-31 [Goldice]: well dont you think they should both apologise, they both said things that wren't necessary

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Hmm..let me think about that one....*thinking*...No! narcissist was being an asshole to her!

2005-07-31 [Lost in Illusions]: I was feeling bitchy that one day, sue me. BUT, if you had just let it go, do you think it would have gotten this far? Let me answer that by saying this: No. But, I am going to stop it. No, I will not apologize because I did not say anything wrong, just a few things (overzealous or not) that were taken a few ways wrong. But, i will stop talking about this. So, my part is ended.

2005-07-31 [prima rosa]: how gay. oooops, i said the homophobe word. so shoot me.

2005-07-31 [girl. interrupted.]: Oh, god, Narcissist. You're pulling the whole 'I wouldn't have hit you if you hadn't provoked me' line. Maybe it works for abusive boyfriends, but not for you. We all know you're smarter than that. And Calamaethor, I didn't 'just rush in and involve' myself. I have been tracking this conversation from the start, but it didn't work because my computer fucked up.

2005-07-31 [.that is when the world will end.]: I think you should change your name to Narcissist With A Superiority Complex. It suits you better. sexxi hott sk8r boi may be dumb, but at least he doesn't attack people for spellingmistakes. Granted, he can't spell but that's beside the point. You are completely full of yourself, Narcissist...deflate and take up Buddhism and maybe you'll end up a half decent person...maybe.

2005-07-31 [AbLam]: Then I guess the two of us have decided not to apologize. I personally think that Narcissist actually began it, and get mad if you want--that's just what I think. Nevertheless, [Goldice] is right, this is getting annoying--let's move on.

2005-07-31 [AbLam]: Hey--that's sexxi hott's girlfriend...

2005-07-31 [Lost in Illusions]: I'm done with this, and will not be commenting in this wiki until I find something worth commenting on (yes, commence your pretentious cheering, now). But, for the record, my name is written this way for a reason. Apparently, no one can understand the intricacies of the paradox, otherwise, you'd know that to say I'm both a narcissist, and that I have a Superiority complex would be redundant. Goodbye for now.

2005-07-31 [Lost in Illusions]: OH, and Ms. [girl. interrupted.], I was not at all trying to play the innocent boy. I did attack first, and with little provocation. But I stand by my statement that I did not attack anyone in particular; everyone that has been or is offended took what I said to personally be directed towards them. This does not mean that I'm the innocent boy just saying something; yes, I am a cunt, and I am not going to change that personality flaw because a few people dont like what I have to say. As a final note, dont assume anything about me until you take the time to find out for yourself. Oh, one more thing: *shoots [prima rosa]* I wouldnt have done that otherwise, but in my cynical state, you did ask.

2005-07-31 [AbLam]: *pretentious cheers* YAYYY YAYYY! I'm pretentious!!! w00t!

2005-07-31 [AbLam]: Anyways, onto worthier subjects. What exactly, I don't know. But worthier.

2005-07-31 [calamaethor]: Could someone please tell me what the whole idea of this "fake goth" is? I seem to define "goth" in another way than you do =(

2005-07-31 [AbLam]: I only came here in the first place to defend someone...

2005-08-01 [calamaethor]: I mean, when I look it up it says this: Gothic. A (music) subgenre whose fans ("Goths") are typefied by interest in vampires, wearing all black, reading the Sandman comic, and listening to Bauhaus or Alien Sex Fiend. (SD)            and in that case, there wouldnt be such thing as a fake goth now would there?

2005-08-01 [mutant virago]: There are many different meanings of what "true goth" is. I personally think that this wiki is simply devoted to going against people who call themselves 'goths' just to fit a mold or enter a clique, not because they truly like any of these so-called "goth" things. *shrug*

2005-08-02 [girl. interrupted.]: No, this wiki was made because someone decided that their version of a goth was right and everyone else should go to hell.

2005-08-02 [mutant virago]: Oh well. *shrug* That was my view on the wiki, hence my membership.

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: again with the judgements. *chuckles* This wiki was designed to denounce the media-glamourized stereotype of a "goth." In other words, you look at the television today, and you see little boys and girls wearing all black, crying their black mascara down their faces and slicing their arms because "daddy doesnt love them" Unfortunately, instead of doing the research to actually acquire a (let's say) healthy view on what the gothic subculture actually is. There are a few different definitions, the most common one being the Visigoths of ancient Europe, which formed almost all of Western Europe as we know it. Then there is the culture which was bred in teh Victorian age of the late 1800's,

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: Well, they cant call other people "fake goths", since it seems like everyone got their own version of it.

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: characterized by the artchitecture and sophisticated gentlemanship and ladylike behaviours associated with the era. Finally, a subculture of goth has been bred from the late 80's, characterized by a type of "punk" music and a darker type of dress. This is a complete misconception of what the gothic culture actually pertains to. Nowadays, it's been characterized with "alternative" bands such as H.I.M. and people who have been associated with "evil" and wearing black, talking to demons, reading raunchy humour, etc. These are complete stereotypes based on the generic television glamourization of these characteristics.

2005-08-02 [prima rosa]: i thought you were leaving. you didnt need to tell us that.

2005-08-02 [Goldice]: theres no need to be nasty. i thought all of that had put in the past. obviously i was wrong

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: I'm stating what a "fake goth" is. I'm not trying to bring anything else up; that's up to everyone who finds me so "nasty" to do, if they see fit.

2005-08-02 [prima rosa]: i apologise then, if i caused any offence :| but, you left, and then came back, and in got a general im so smart vibe.

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: I just wanted to put my two cents in because of what [girl. interrupted.] said about the wiki. Because it's not just one person's opinion on the subject of this subculture, but of the actual social and historical influences that have built it to be what it truly should be. And for the record (not to sound pretentious as apparently I give off that vibe), I said I was leaving until I found something worth commenting on, and that I found worth commenting on.

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: Thanks for enlighting us about the subject "fake goth". I appreciate that = ) Let me see if I got it all right. Fake goth=a person who wears black(etc.) just to act cool?

2005-08-02 [AbLam]: Yeah, and acts depressed and listens to gothic know, mainly for attention. I noticed eyeliner streaked down the face is also popular. I'm not actually sure what a true(if you will) fake goth is--everyone has their own opinion...but I think that [girl. interrupted.] was right on one account, there seems to be a clear view of what a fake goth is on this wiki.

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: but that's not a biased opinion of the wiki owner. I didnt appreciate her attack, whether intentional or not, on [cuntstitches]

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: How come problems always occur when you join the conversation Narcissist? *Am I the only one who noticed that?*

2005-08-02 [mutant virago]: Problems ocurr when ideas clash and the people don't have the maturity or ability to express themselves in a calm and non-bitchy manner, be Narcissist here or not. And here we go again.

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: *grinnage* Hehehe, thanks [mutant virago]. Yes, I simply express my opinion, but people apparently dont want to hear it, and sure as hell dont feel like accepting it, be it right or not. The comment made by [girl. interrupted.] was not appreciated by me; I didnt say anything else, just that this is more than just a biased opinionated wiki.

2005-08-02 [mutant virago]: Indeed.

2005-08-02 [calamaethor]: Does it matter? If you really got a inner need to start trouble, please do it somewhere else. Smokeygal's comment did not involve you in any way, so please keep out of it. Thank you on advance =)

2005-08-02 [Keii]: What trouble was Narcissist starting? He has been part of this wiki for a very long time, and was merely standing up for the owner of this wiki. Haha, you say that her comment doesn't involve him (or perhaps any of us), yet if that was the case, then why post it on a wiki? This is not [girl. interrupted.]'s personal page, this place has members that are free to leave comments and join in any discussions they so wish. If you don't like it, then tough. Go somewhere else thats private.

2005-08-02 [mutant virago]: Well Narcissist appreciates [cuntstitches], so I would assume he'd defend her if he saw her views "attacked", either directly or indirectly, like he stated. And he's not starting trouble; he's simply stating his opinion on something. I honestly do not understand why you people are so on the defensive all the time. Not everyone is out there to get you.

2005-08-02 [mutant virago]: Oh, and *applauds [Keii]*. Just read your comment and I have to say I most definately agree.

2005-08-02 [Keii]: Thanks :) Just sticking up for a few people I admire...

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: First of all, [calamaethor], I'd like to commend you on your passive-agressive attempt at cynicism, but I dont like you, so I wont. I have no "inner need" to make trouble; I simply state what i feel needs to be said at certain times. [girl. interrupted.], whether she mean to or not, attacked [cuntstitches]' opinion towards 'fake goths'. I just stated that this is not a biased wiki, and said what the purpose actually is. Nothing more, so if anyone is trying to start trouble, that would be you. Quit trying to get the girls to fluff your... ego, and just listen to what others have to say instead of attacking someone who really means no harm most of the time. And to [Keii], thank you, and

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: [mutant virago] thank you once again.

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: *blushes and smiles* ^_^ You admire me.. eeeee!

2005-08-02 [Keii]: Haha... I made you blush! And of course I do - your not afraid to stick up for things and people that you believe in. I always enjoy reading your comments. ^^

2005-08-02 [Keii]: ... o.O That sounds too 'ass-kissy' for my liking... so I'll just go back to being quiet and occassionally commenting on here... ^-^

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: haha! Thanks. Yeah.. pretentious or not, most of what I say has to be read.

2005-08-02 [mutant virago]: Oh no! You've given Narcissist's ego nourishment, [Keii]!! ;P (lol, "who really means no harm most of the time", *grin*).

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: hey, I needed it.. "DONT YOU TRRY TO RAAAIN ON MYYY PARAAADE!" Yeah, dont know why I just burst into song, but.. yeah, dont. -_-

2005-08-02 [Keii]: Haha, *looks down at magical shoes and reads the label "grow-fast ego - for those who wish to inject some head-growing moments into their comments" Oh damn, I knew I wore the wrong shoes today. I needed my "Argu-fast" ones. ;)

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: hah. That's funny. Cute, even.

2005-08-02 [Keii]: *laughs* I have my moments

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: yup ^^ I feel better now.

2005-08-02 [Keii]: That's good. ^-^

2005-08-02 [Keii]: *yawns* I'm bored. Should really head off to bed... and any betting, someone will log on and start arguing and I'll miss all the fun. >.<

2005-08-02 [Lost in Illusions]: awww, well, fi they do, I'll be sure to leave a piece of their ass for you to bite ^^

2005-08-02 [AbLam]: You know, I don't agree with some of the things that [Lost in Illusions] says, but I must say, you guys made a good point. Good job, you two! =)

2005-08-04 [AbLam]: For the first, well, ever, this wiki has died!

2005-08-04 [calamaethor]: Doos -.-''

2005-08-04 [Lost in Illusions]: it's died plenty of times before, just that now's the first time someone actually noticed. Heh.

2005-08-04 [Goldice]: wahooo! first day of work. going to sleep now. night night

2005-08-04 [Lost in Illusions]: it's only 1.30 here.. I have the weekend ooooooff! ^_________^ well, I dont work but on Mondays and Wednesdays anyway. And I HAD class on Tuesday and Thursday, but my final was Tuesday, so I have today off, too ^_^

2005-08-05 [girl. interrupted.]: I wasn't trying to provoke a fight or anything, but I believe [cuntstitches]' opinion is at least slightly biased. It's true, being 'goth' isn't all hating your parents, listening to not-so-obscure black metal, but you have to admit, even though she did make a good point, she was pretty vicious. To [Nymphette], in particular. Then again, I may be biased too, because Nymphette happens to be my friend...*shrug*

2005-08-05 [Lost in Illusions]: well, zealous, maybe, but not really biased. But it's over. So... next subject.

2005-08-05 [girl. interrupted.]: Okay...what country do you live in? Curiosity...

2005-08-05 [Lost in Illusions]: USA, and I hate it here. I'm moving away sometime soon, but I dont know when.

2005-08-07 [AbLam]: Where are you gonna go? Ahh...back home at last. Are you going to college in..ahem..CANADA???

2005-08-07 [girl. interrupted.]: Canada is a great place to live...of course, I am completely</b> bigoted because I live here.^_____________^Missing: </i>

2005-08-07 [AbLam]: a few < i >s missing there, mi darlin sister. Yeah, Canada is an excellent place to live. Hey...I think I live in the same place that you dO! Are we...could we be...TWINS?

2005-08-08 [FAGGOTxcore {{grody}}]: So. What is everyone's favorite goth band? Lately, I've been into Switchblade Symphony.

2005-08-08 [Grey Eyes]: o-0 favorite goth band??? *listens to Coldplay and piano peices* >.> *is so freakishly gawthix x3*

2005-08-08 [cuntstitches]: Switchblade Symphony is actually darkwave, but that's just if I'm going to be anal. Currently, I'm going with Siouxsie.

2005-08-08 [Grey Eyes]: Nice choice m'lady ^^

2005-08-08 [Lost in Illusions]: I really dont know what characterizes which bands as "goth" or not, so I'm staying out of this conversation. I enjoy all bands from H.I.M. (Yes, how horribly goffick of me) to Mozart's Concertos. *shrugs* It all depends on my mood.

2005-08-08 [cuntstitches]: It's not hard. They all sound the same. I didn't say that though. That would be traitorous of my gawfikness.

2005-08-08 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, how blasphemous of you. You must bow down to the greatness of Marilyn Manson and his uber-goffickness! I do love his music, and he's pretty much a genius when it comes to writing, but I dont worship him for his symbolism in the gothic subculture, so I think I'm safe from ridicule there.

2005-08-08 [cuntstitches]: Notice all: As this is my wiki and I can do what I please with it, I shall now insert an promotion for another wiki I just started. music share It should be ready to go in about an hour, and will be Elftown's only place for mp3 sharing. Huzzah.

2005-08-08 [Lost in Illusions]: woohoo! *bows down to the mightiness that is [cuntstitches]* I wont join, since I dont have any mp3's to share, but hooray for new wikis!

2005-08-08 [cuntstitches]: You may still join and download from others if you'd like. :)

2005-08-08 [Lost in Illusions]: sure sure! Yay.. I feel sexy, and I'm wearing a skirt. I must take pictures! @_@

2005-08-08 [Keii]: Aw, damn... now I have the "I feel pretty" song in my head... I don't know how sexy turned to pretty, but it did, and now it's stuck... >.<

2005-08-08 [Grey Eyes]: *points and laughs* That song is annoying. And it creeps me out because one of my best guy friends always starts singing it...and...he knows all the words, and he happens to be the last person you'd spect' to sing it x.o

2005-08-08 [Spanakopida]: Yeah well...I'm wearing a powerrangers shirt meant for a four year old. ._.

2005-08-08 [Keii]: I always get the urge to sing it at work... combined with dancing around the castle-courtyard. What a sight! XD

2005-08-08 [Grey Eyes]: I remember going through a power rangers phase...I had a pink umbrella featuring the pink and yellow power ranger girls >.> Hmm o-o I've done something of the likeness Keisair x.x friend and I jumped onto a picnic table in the middle of lunch and started singing "Everyone has more sex than me" >.>  <.< yeah -.-

2005-08-09 [AbLam]: Not to be bitchy, but there is no apostrophe in mp3s!!!...Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. I like Ninja Turtles! Especially the purple one.

2005-08-09 [cuntstitches]: Music Share is now up and running. I will be uploading mp3s very shortly, and anyone who would like to join is more than welcome.

2005-08-09 [Keii]: Hahaha... I was the first member! *dances*

2005-08-09 [girl. interrupted.]: COOLNESS!!!! How did you do it?

2005-08-10 [cuntstitches]: Eh?

2005-08-10 [AbLam]: She was wondering how you set up the Mp3 sharing program...go to music share, [girl. interrupted.]. There all will be revealed.

2005-08-10 [cuntstitches]: Oh. That makes sense.

2005-08-10 [AbLam]: Yeep. It's a really good idea, actually.

2005-08-10 [cuntstitches]: It should be better when there are more than two members.

2005-08-10 [Keii]: *nods* Definatly... considering that one member can't upload stuff at the moment, not that I have anything good to upload anyway *sweatdrop*

2005-08-11 [AbLam]: Soooooo...bears. Big. Hairy.

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: And come in many different breeds! =D

2005-08-11 [AbLam]: Plus they're tall dark, and SCARY!

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: bears also means a breed of human.. big. hairy.

2005-08-11 [girl. interrupted.]: And come in all different breeds.

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: yep. They're scary too. Ickle people, they are.

2005-08-11 [girl. interrupted.]: Can someone please assassinate Christian Warrior? He is so self-righteous.

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: oh. Is he back? *smirk*

2005-08-11 [AbLam]: Yes, he keeps on messaging me and [girl. interrupted.]'s soo annoying! He called me a swine!

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: Hmmm...respond "Why thank you ^^ I do beleive in evolution...and mayhaps we did evolve from pigs =3"

2005-08-11 [AbLam]: Too late?. --__--...aww. I should have said that.

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: Ah-well, there's always next time yes? Whenever someone starts mouthing off to me, I usually make it rather blunt and sarcastic that they're a nimrod and should shut up and worry about their own damn lives ^^

2005-08-11 [AbLam]: Well, I did, but I didn't use those exact words.

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah, true =/ Sometimes being blunt and concise works better though...because they can't twist your own words back at you...and you seem less open to "further discussion" =3

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: hmmm..maybe he's learned his lesson with me, which is why I havnet talked to him. 8shrugs*

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: Hmm...well...I am afraid of the stupidity of those few whom continue to argue with you once you've blatantly kicked them down the stairs and drowned them in ice water =D

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